Competitive Examination on 5th March, 2017 for filling the vacancies of Assistant
Commandants (Executive) in Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). The
Examination will be held at New Delhi. The tentative number of vacancies to be filled on
the basis of the Examination will be 07 (General-06; SC-1; ST-Nil).
2. The Examination is restricted to only certain categories of departmental
candidates of CISF. For details regarding eligibility conditions, the syllabus and
scheme of the examination, physical/ medical standards etc., aspirants should
consult the Rules of the Examination notified by Ministry of Home Affairs in the
Gazette of India dated 07.12.2016 which may be downloaded from the CISF
Website at address The Rules will also be available on UPSC
3. How to Apply/Last Date
The candidates are required to fill in the application form online on the UPSC’s website .The online application form can be filled from 7th December, 2016
to 30th December, 2016, after which the link will be disabled. Candidates are also
required to route a hard copy of the online-submitted application through proper
channel to the CISF authorities at the address: Director General, Central Industrial
Security Force, 13, CGO Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, for verification
and onward transmission to the Commission.
4. e-Admission Certificates of the admitted candidates to this examination will be
uploaded in the UPSC website two weeks before the date of
examination and can be downloaded by the eligible candidates. No paper Admission
Certificate will be issued by the Commission.
Mobile Phones are banned in the Campus of UPSC Examination Halls.
The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility
conditions for admission to examination. Their admission to all the stages of the examination will
be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
Mere Issue to e-admission certificate to the candidate will not imply that his/her
candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission.
(a) Candidate must apply online by using the website .
Candidate should ensure that all columns of the Online Application Form are filled in correctly.
No correspondence will be entertained by the Commission from candidates to change any of the
entries made in the application form.
Candidates are required to route a hard copy of the online submitted application form through
proper channel with necessary certification done by the appropriate authority to the CISF
authorities at the address: Director General, Central Industrial Security Force, 13, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003, for verification and onward transmission to the Commission on or
before 6th January, 2017.
The Online Applications can be filled up to 30th December, 2016 till 6:00 P.M. after which
link will be disabled. The last date for receiving printed copy (hard copy) of online application
form along with enclosures/certificates is 6th January, 2017, by CISF authority for further
verification and forwarding the same to the Commission.
1. Candidates who wish to apply for CISF-LDCE, 2017 have to first get themselves
registered before filling up the Online Application Form at the website
2. Please create your registration account by clicking appropriately on the link provided
below the “login” button.
3. On the registration module, provide tour Name (as recorded in the
matriculation/secondary examination certificate), CISF Number, rank and Date of
Birth(as recorded in the matriculation/secondary examination certificate).
4. Provide your e-mail address and re-enter your e-mail address.
5. Enter the random number which is appearing on the screen and click the submit
NB: (a) All the field mark with * are mandatory and are compulsory to fill in.
(b) Please ensure that you provide a valid and an active e-mail address in the e-mal address
field as your password for filling up the online application form along with Registration ID
(RID) shall be e-mailed to you on the e-mail address provided by you.
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